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Recently, we decided to buy an apartment. However, finding the "dream" apartment is no easy task. Searching for listings in Oslo took much of our time, and we seldomly found one that ticked all boxes. The commute time was especially frustrating since we had to find it manually for each listing! Therefore, we decided to automate the apartment hunt. We made a script to scrape, Norway's largest apartment listing webpage, and store the results in a local SQL database. Here is a short writeup of our development process. You can also download the scripts we used from the project repo.

Scraping for listings

Early on, we realised that we needed to use Selenium. Finn generates the search result pages with JavaScript, so we couldn’t merely parse the HTML for links. Instead, we used Selenium to control a chrome window and get the links for all apartment listings that matched a search query.

Once we had a list of all apartments from the search results page (so all local apartments for sale), we used the Requests library to download the HTML for all these pages and BeautifulSoup to navigate the HTML and extract the relevant information.

To find the relevant HTML blocks for our scraper, we used the developer tools in Firefox. If you press the button left of the “Inspector” tab, you can select parts of the webpage and see its HTML tag.

Finding commute times with the EnTur API

The next step was to find the commute time for each apartment. To find these commute times, we first needed the apartment coordinates. Luckily, the Norwegian public transport company, EnTur has a public GeoCoder API which we can use for this task. Using it is as easy as a single GET request with an identifying header and requires no registration beforehand.

Once we had the coordinates, we wanted the commute time to OsloMet and the University of Oslo. We walk, bike and take public transport to work, so those were the relevant times to find. Luckily, EnTur also has a free JourneyPlanner API, which we can use to get walk distances and how long it takes to travel with different means of transport! The JourneyPlanner is a GraphQL API with an easy-to-use editor to explore the API and find the exact message to send with the POST requests.

Creating a database

After collecting the relevant information from each apartment listing and the commute times, we saved it in a dictionary. So we had a list of dictionaries, with one dictionary per listing. The next step was to store this information in a database so that we could inspect it without spamming with HTTP requests. To create this database, we iterated over all the dictionaries and stored their keys and value types in another dictionary. From this, we could make a query to create a SQLite database, with the builtin sqlite3 module.

Finding interesting listings with SQL

With the SQLite database ready, we wanted to explore it to find appealing apartments. With some short SQL queries, we could discover apartments within our budget, examine which apartments are cheapest per square meter, and explore which apartments have the best commute. We wanted the output in the terminal window, so we used Rich to generate pretty tables with formatted text describing their contents. Below, we have some example queries we ran and the corresponding output.

Note, that Finn updates their webpages often and if you want to try something similar for yourself, you might have to update the scraping section of the code to fit how the webpages are structured currently.

                                                 The 10 cheapest apartments:                                                 
    SELECT "adresse","felleskost/mnd.","totalpris","primærrom","bruksareal","sykkeltid-uio","sykkeltid-met" 
    FROM boligdata 
    WHERE totalpris is not NULL 
    AND bruksareal >= 20
    ORDER BY totalpris 
    LIMIT 5
┃ adresse                            ┃ felleskost/mnd. ┃ totalpris ┃ primærrom ┃ bruksareal ┃ sykkeltid-uio ┃ sykkeltid-met ┃
│ Øvrefoss 6H, 0555 Oslo             │ 8044            │ 3173248   │ 38.0      │ 57.0       │ 20            │ 11            │
│ Middelthuns gate 11B, 0368 Oslo    │ 2926            │ 3566090   │ 50.0      │ 50.0       │ 12            │ 6             │
│ Jolly Kramer-Johansens gate 2,     │ 2892            │ 4193312   │ 39.0      │ 39.0       │ 20            │ 18            │
│ 0475 Oslo                          │                 │           │           │            │               │               │
│ Sporveisgata 8A, 0354 Oslo         │ 4613            │ 5134207   │ 88.0      │ 99.0       │ 13            │ 2             │
│ Lørenveien 65, 0585 Oslo           │ 1990            │ 5237142   │ 53.0      │ 53.0       │ 28            │ 24            │
However, just because an apartment is cheap in total does not mean the price per square meter is good.

                                    The 10 cheapest aparment (per m^2) within price range                                    
    SELECT totalpris/bruksareal as kvadratmeterpris, 
    FROM boligdata 
    WHERE totalpris is not NULL 
    AND totalpris <= 4000000
    ORDER BY kvadratmeterpris 
    LIMIT 5
┃ kvadratmeterpris ┃ adresse         ┃ felleskost/mnd. ┃ totalpris ┃ primærrom ┃ bruksareal ┃ sykkeltid-uio ┃ sykkeltid-met ┃
│ 55671.017543859… │ Øvrefoss 6H,    │ 8044            │ 3173248   │ 38.0      │ 57.0       │ 20            │ 11            │
│                  │ 0555 Oslo       │                 │           │           │            │               │               │
│ 71321.8          │ Middelthuns     │ 2926            │ 3566090   │ 50.0      │ 50.0       │ 12            │ 6             │
│                  │ gate 11B, 0368  │                 │           │           │            │               │               │
│                  │ Oslo            │                 │           │           │            │               │               │
│ 147458.11111111… │ Dalsbergstien   │ 5317            │ 2654246   │ 20.0      │ 18.0       │ 14            │ 1             │
│                  │ 3, 0170 Oslo,   │                 │           │           │            │               │               │
│                  │ 0170 Oslo       │                 │           │           │            │               │               │

                                          The 10 cheapest apartments with a balcony                                          
We are also interested in apartments with a balcony. Unfortunately, this info is not easily accessible, but we found one 
heuristic that seemed to work well. We can filter appartments with a larger "usable" area than "primary" area (bruksareal og 
primærrom). Then, most apartments we find have a balcony.
    SELECT "adresse","felleskost/mnd.","totalpris","primærrom","bruksareal","sykkeltid-uio","sykkeltid-met" 
    FROM boligdata
    WHERE totalpris is not NULL 
    AND primærrom < bruksareal
    ORDER BY totalpris 
    LIMIT 10
┃ adresse                            ┃ felleskost/mnd. ┃ totalpris ┃ primærrom ┃ bruksareal ┃ sykkeltid-uio ┃ sykkeltid-met ┃
│ Øvrefoss 6H, 0555 Oslo             │ 8044            │ 3173248   │ 38.0      │ 57.0       │ 20            │ 11            │
│ Sporveisgata 8A, 0354 Oslo         │ 4613            │ 5134207   │ 88.0      │ 99.0       │ 13            │ 2             │
│ Hans Nielsen Hauges plass 1, 0481  │ 3942            │ 5400292   │ 80.0      │ 83.0       │ 19            │ 13            │
│ Oslo                               │                 │           │           │            │               │               │
│ Nordre gate 22A, 0551 Oslo         │ 1980            │ 5433756   │ 40.0      │ 45.0       │ 25            │ 12            │
│ Camilla Colletts vei 15, 0258 Oslo │ 7484            │ 6174905   │ 103.0     │ 108.0      │ 16            │ 3             │
│ Nordre gate 22 A, 0551 Oslo        │ 3760            │ 8195116   │ 82.0      │ 86.0       │ 25            │ 12            │
│ Nordre gate 22 A, 0551 Oslo        │ 3760            │ 8345116   │ 82.0      │ 86.0       │ 25            │ 12            │
│ Ensjøveien 34, 0661 Oslo           │ 3785            │ 9307706   │ 91.0      │ 94.0       │ 35            │ 22            │
│ Rostockgata 54, 0194 Oslo          │ 2705            │ 9533756   │ 65.0      │ 70.0       │ 30            │ 14            │
│ Doktor Holms vei 17D, 0787 Oslo    │ 4778            │ 10463742  │ 134.0     │ 142.0      │ 18            │ 25            │
And a short commute

                           The 10 cheapest apartments with a short commute to both UiO and OsloMet                           

    SELECT "adresse","felleskost/mnd.","totalpris","primærrom","bruksareal","sykkeltid-uio","sykkeltid-met", 
"kollektivtid-uio", "kollektivtid-met"
    FROM boligdata
    WHERE totalpris is not NULL 
    AND "sykkeltid-uio" < 20
    AND "sykkeltid-met" < 20
    AND "kollektivtid-uio" < 30
    AND "kollektivtid-met" < 30
    ORDER BY totalpris 
    LIMIT 10
┃ adresse     ┃ felleskost/… ┃ totalpris ┃ primærrom ┃ bruksareal ┃ sykkeltid-… ┃ sykkeltid-m… ┃ kollektivt… ┃ kollektivti… ┃
│ Dalsbergst… │ 5317         │ 2654246   │ 20.0      │ 18.0       │ 14          │ 1            │ 18          │ 5            │
│ 3, 0170     │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Oslo, 0170  │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Oslo        │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Middelthuns │ 2926         │ 3566090   │ 50.0      │ 50.0       │ 12          │ 6            │ 19          │ 16           │
│ gate 11B,   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ 0368 Oslo   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Sporveisga… │ 4613         │ 5134207   │ 88.0      │ 99.0       │ 13          │ 2            │ 16          │ 8            │
│ 8A, 0354    │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Oslo        │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Geitmyrsve… │ 3595         │ 5305392   │ 55.0      │ 55.0       │ 11          │ 6            │ 19          │ 15           │
│ 73B, 0455   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Oslo        │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Camilla     │ 7484         │ 6174905   │ 103.0     │ 108.0      │ 16          │ 3            │ 19          │ 7            │
│ Colletts    │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ vei 15,     │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ 0258 Oslo   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Bogstadvei… │ 2026         │ 6538913   │ 64.0      │ 64.0       │ 11          │ 6            │ 15          │ 12           │
│ 62C, 0366   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Oslo        │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Ullevålsve… │ 4675         │ 7117248   │ 95.0      │ 95.0       │ 8           │ 5            │ 12          │ 8            │
│ 81, 0454    │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Oslo        │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Waldemar    │ 2751         │ 7769912   │ 73.0      │ 73.0       │ 18          │ 5            │ 22          │ 10           │
│ Thranes     │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ gate 61,    │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ 0173 Oslo   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Benneches   │ 2860         │ 9444000   │ 110.0     │ 110.0      │ 14          │ 1            │ 19          │ 6            │
│ gate 1,     │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ 0169 Oslo   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ Ole Vigs    │ 5048         │ 13000940  │ 99.0      │ 102.0      │ 10          │ 5            │ 16          │ 14           │
│ gate 24D,   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │
│ 0366 Oslo   │              │           │           │            │             │              │             │              │

                                      Information about the most expensive postal zones                                      

    FROM boligdata 
    WHERE totalpris IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY postnummer
    ORDER BY avg(totalpris/bruksareal) DESC
┃ postnummer ┃ AVG(totalpris/bruksareal) ┃ AVG(totalpris)     ┃ AVG(bruksareal)    ┃ COUNT(totalpris) ┃
│ 0286       │ 207172.20547945207        │ 30247142.0         │ 146.0              │ 1                │
│ 0252       │ 163264.66615766368        │ 21487687.5         │ 115.5              │ 2                │
│ 0170       │ 147458.11111111112        │ 2654246.0          │ 18.0               │ 1                │
│ 0194       │ 131527.16616541354        │ 13244277.333333334 │ 101.33333333333333 │ 3                │
│ 0366       │ 128130.34361745584        │ 11362441.0         │ 86.66666666666667  │ 3                │
│ 0266       │ 125069.2                  │ 13132266.0         │ 105.0              │ 1                │
│ 0272       │ 117615.5980427582         │ 33383232.0         │ 245.5              │ 2                │
│ 0475       │ 107520.82051282052        │ 4193312.0          │ 39.0               │ 1                │
│ 0173       │ 106437.1506849315         │ 7769912.0          │ 73.0               │ 1                │
│ 0551       │ 104359.47080103359        │ 7324662.666666667  │ 72.33333333333333  │ 3                │
│ 0661       │ 99018.14893617021         │ 9307706.0          │ 94.0               │ 1                │
│ 0585       │ 98814.0                   │ 5237142.0          │ 53.0               │ 1                │
│ 0455       │ 96461.67272727273         │ 5305392.0          │ 55.0               │ 1                │
│ 0169       │ 85854.54545454546         │ 9444000.0          │ 110.0              │ 1                │
│ 0655       │ 83607.86686838124         │ 11052960.0         │ 132.2              │ 1                │
│ 0575       │ 80747.4629959082          │ 6051553.5          │ 75.0               │ 2                │
│ 0265       │ 76213.23799427724         │ 18420403.0         │ 245.5              │ 2                │
│ 0454       │ 74918.4                   │ 7117248.0          │ 95.0               │ 1                │
│ 0787       │ 73688.32394366198         │ 10463742.0         │ 142.0              │ 1                │
│ 0368       │ 71321.8                   │ 3566090.0          │ 50.0               │ 1                │
│ 0481       │ 65063.75903614458         │ 5400292.0          │ 83.0               │ 1                │
│ 0183       │ 62773.27906976744         │ 10797004.0         │ 172.0              │ 1                │
│ 0566       │ 59596.637209302324        │ 25626554.0         │ 430.0              │ 1                │
│ 0258       │ 57175.0462962963          │ 6174905.0          │ 108.0              │ 1                │
│ 0555       │ 55671.01754385965         │ 3173248.0          │ 57.0               │ 1                │
│ 0354       │ 51860.67676767677         │ 5134207.0          │ 99.0               │ 1                │