Project repository

Word vectors are a way to represent words in a high-dimensional space. The most commonly known word vectors are those obtained from the `word2vec` algorithm, which tries to find vectors that are predictive of neighbouring words. For a very good introduction to word vectors, we recommend this presentation by Christopher Moody.

About the app

See the web app

The word vectors we used here are GloVe vectors trained on the GloVe common crawl dataset. GloVe is a newer algorithm that is slightly different from word2vec, but both algorithms gives us a vector representation of words. We used the the pretrained en_core_web_md GloVe model in spaCy.

In this project, we wanted to investigate how word vectors can be used to explore song lyrics. We scraped the lyrics of 60 songs from the Billboard hot-100 for the past decade, and computed their average word vectors. From these average vectors, we can investigate the songs similarities with specific phrases, and find songs that are about similar topics.

To easily inspect if the results made sense, we also implemented a simple keyword extraction algorithm that we used on all songs. This keyword extraction algorithm was based on this blog post. The algorithm works by extracting the most common propositions, adjectives and nouns from the lyrics.

Creating the web app

To create the web app, we used Streamlit, a free tool that makes it extremely easy to create a data science dashboard with Python. It is extremely intuitive to work with locally, and deploying the app on Heroku was straightforward once we found this tutorial. The code for the live application was less than 200 lines of code, and we are pretty happy with the results!

Update: We moved our deployed applications to Azure since Heroku shut down its free offering

Deploying your own app

If you want to deploy your own version of this app. Maybe with different songs, then you only need to modify the file and run it before running streamlit run